Wednesday, June 27, 2012

farewell Saba

After a year and a half, Luca and Ashley are saying goodbye to Saba.  Saba has treated them well.  Luca has spent 18 of his first 24 months on Saba.  Does that make him a "local"?

"home" for the last 1.5 years
the first week on Saba

the last week on Saba

Living on Saba was always going to be temporary, so goodbyes were inevitable.  However, it has been very difficult to say goodbye to all the dear friends who made life on Saba so enjoyable.  Some will be seen again soon, others won't.  Earlier in the semester, Luca said farewell to 2 of his friends, Darius and Douglas, but this last week, he has been making the rounds with everyone else.  Not pictured is Odin, the first friend Luca made on Saba, and the owner of the red car Luca longed to possess.

Vibhas (a calm little brother)

Oliver (perhaps Luca's first frien-emy)

Cally (Luca's "girlfriend")

"bay-he" Sairalyn (Cally's sister)

sisters Miral and Eylan

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